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Rumination Nation: Power

Lately, my family and I have been watching through the X-Men Series on Disney Plus. Last night, we were watching the Dark Phoenix and Professor X gave Jean Grey the gift of a pen. Charles told her that a person can use a pen to draw a beautiful picture or to stab someone.

"What you choose to do with your gift, well, that’s entirely up to you." -Charles Xavier

By telling her this, we get a foreshadowing of events to come when Jean is used as a host for an energy that is described as 'the spark' that is responsible for all creation.

This energy is capable of consuming and killing OR giving life.

While this is a more extreme picture than most of us experience in our daily lives, most traits that we do experience possess a similar two sided coin of possibility. This what many people refer to as a "shadow" state and "higher" state. You may have heard it described as the expression of the "higher self".

The Gene Keys, as outlined by Richard Rudd, is a system that is based on the work of Human Design and the I Ching with a DNA framework of 64 genes. Each expression of gene comes with a shadow and a siddhi and each gene has a yin (passive) form and a yang (active) form.

The specific influence of "the phoenix" energy in this film is very similar to what we see in Gene Key 1. Richard Rudd describes this genetic expression as "Freshness". He says,

"The first gift is rooted in the power of light and fire. The yin form of the shadow is numbness or entropy. The yang form is frenetic chaos. This gift when used in its highest form is the pure creative force of fresh invention. The 1st gift is the very ground of human genius.

Creativity is God at play.

The Phoenix is rising. You can't hold the human spirit down. We have to become the fire."

Superhero movies are rife with the message, "with great power comes great responsibility."

We can see this in all arenas of life. It is a constant dance of balance between too much control and too little.

Unbridled power is chaotic and because it isn't focused, it can't produce the same effect as funneled power. Think of water power, when harnessed and directed. Without that focused control, it becomes useless.

A problem occurs, however; when fear of the power creates an entropy or avoidance of it. Force can not be effective when it is avoided or unbridled.

Every day we have a choice.

We have a choice to choose how to use our gifts.

For creation or destruction.

"What you choose to do with your gift, well, that’s entirely up to you."


Jennifer Ferrante, CHt.

Ferrante Family Wellness

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