In 1989, as a response to the fast food hysteria that had taken over the country, a slow food movement took root. All over the world, we began to see "slow movements" taking place as a push back to the deep programming that was driving us to want more and more- faster. Fast food was followed by fast delivery, fast turnaround and who doesn't want fast results?
I love the slow movement- I love slow things. I love mindfulness, eating slowly, contemplating, snail mail and long walks. So much so, that I felt a lot of push back to any system or program touting "fast results". "They aren't doing the work", I thought. "That's spiritual, emotional and mental bypassing."
And while there is some truth to my statement there, I still value my amazon 2 day delivery or same day Walmart plus porch delivery waiting for me when I pulled into the driveway after work. Sometimes fast is REALLY nice.
Like all things, I think balance can be found (see the last post's goldilocks principle). I have decided that for some things, it pays off and is more efficient and wastes less time to do things the fast way.
I prefer not to spend my time walking down grocery aisles shopping. I choose to spend my time doing the slow work of reading, writing and contemplating. We all need a mix of slow and rapid efficiency.
Often John and I do brainstorm sessions for our business, Ferrante Family Wellness, and he mentions wishing he could instantly heal people. I always responded with, "but our body is communicating through pain and if we instantly take away the hurt without healing what is underneath, it will just come back. It's like duck taping a pillow over a fire alarm. We want our body to alert us when something is wrong so we can fix it."
What if we could do the work, without bypassing, more efficiently?
During hypnotherapy school, I had a colleague mention she was also studying rapid transformation therapy to use in her hypnosis sessions and I started looking into it some, but nothing from it really stuck with me then. About a month ago, I revisited this technique and have been using many of its principles and tools in my practice and on myself.
The proof really is in the pudding.
One hesitancy that I originally had with it is that the rapid induction doesn't bring a client as deep as a full induction and deepener would.
Many people assume if they don't "feel hypnotized" it isn't working but nothing could be further from the truth. We go in and out of hypnosis all day long. We zone out and go on autopilot when we drive or our brain kind of zones out when we are overstimulated. Never would we say we were "under hypnosis" during these events, but in fact we are. And, in fact, our zoned out hypnotic state is a tool that clever marketers use to their advantage.
Think how many impulse buys you may have made while mindlessly scrolling in mental hypnosis on your phone. Its powerfully effective!
So, I began trying this Rapid Hypnosis on myself first.
Confession: I love therapy. I love setting time aside and talking though everything that is in my head. However, there were certain things I made huge jumps on using my self hypnosis tools (and I loved the peace and relaxation that it brought me) BUT there were other issues that I held onto even with hypnosis because they were my darling issues. Anyone else have darling issues? What do I mean by that?
Darling issues are problems you have had for so long they are like a comfort blanket and you really don't want that blanket ripped away. It keeps you warm and cozy and safe to think about them, talk about them and commiserate about them.
When you complain about the aches and weather everyday it becomes so cozy familiar that even their pain is familiar and comforting. How backwards is that??
That is a darling issue.
I would say to myself, "I am blasting forward with progress in my career and life! All by the power of hypnosis!" and it was true.
Except don't touch my darling issues. For me, these were some eating habits (warm, sugary drinks) and trusting my partner (from past relationship issues).
I broke through limiting money beliefs, speaking my truth beliefs, people pleasing behaviors and the list goes on, but I really wanted to just keep talking about my darling issues, if you must know.
Then I decided, to really root out if Rapid Hypnosis was a valid thing, I would try it on my darling issues.
One day.
One day of practicing these techniques on myself with these deeply rooted things and I felt myself break free of the hold they had on me.
Through these specific techniques I changed how I looked at food and drinks (high octane fuel needed for a high performance body) and I went back and showed my little self that wanted so badly for people to see her as darling and cuddle her all the time how lucky grown up me is to have a partner who daily tells me I'm his darling and holds me whenever I need it. All the time, anytime. So healing.
And something cracked and shifted. Powerfully. Rapidly.
I'm now a believer in fast hypnotherapy. It doesn't have to take 6 sessions.
Fast doesn't have to mean low quality. Fast can mean precision-focused and effective. It can free up the time for me to luxuriate in the slow moving, mindful things that I love.
Bring on the rapid transformation!
Jennifer Ferrante, CHt.
Ferrante Family Wellness