Today is often referred to as the Lion’s Gate or August 8 (8-8). I woke up this morning with the distinct feeling that it would rain despite what the forecast is saying and a twinge of fall is in the air as I sit on my back porch for my morning minutes and the cool breeze is actually blowing yellow leaves off our mulberry trees leaving a bright carpet on the kid’s trampoline and ground.
This morning I am contemplating introverts in business and supporting this line of thinking, reading the books “The Introvert’s Edge” by Matthew Pollard and Power vs Force by David R. Hawkings.
Many years ago I was the marketing representative for a busy chiropractic office in St Louis, Missouri. I attended two different city’s chamber of commerce meetings, belonged to women’s networking events and had a booth at most conventions, marathons and golf clubs in the area.
It took about 6 months of that to completely fry my nervous system.
I am one of those odd ball introverts that can stand on a stage and speak to a crowd of 500 people or sing the national anthem for a stadium but please don’t ask me to shake hands and make small talk or else I may totally forget my name, return your greeting with a vacant blank stare or (my worst dreaded social faux pas) word vomit about my latest interest.
Can anyone else identify?
I was talking with my friend and gifted mind-body coach, Lorrie Gray, yesterday and she asked me what I noticed was a common trait in most of my clients that I was seeing and could it possibly be a trait that I shared with them that was drawing them in?
This was a great and eye opening question that I think holds a lot of truth. The common trait in many of my clients and myself is a propensity for… overthinking…
I’m going to be honest- I love these clients. I love YOU.
They are overthinkers. They are my tribe. They speak my native tongue. They ask for book recommendations. They do their homework and send me all their notes from it.
These are my people. You are my people.
So, if you are reading this and feel the urge to join in with the chorus of “Hi Jennifer” after I say, “Hi I’m Jennifer and I’m an overthinker”?
Welcome to our practice, Ferrante Family Wellness, a place where you are welcome to do any of the following:
Word vomit everything you have been overthinking this week
Be given tools for all the self examination, scientific research about the brain/nervous system and how it works, and geek out with books and resource recommendations as we explore one of our favorite subjects together- personal growth and development
Take a break from constant ruminating and co-regulate with us to ground yourself and feel seen, heard and understood
It is my intention to make room for us, and even (just maybe) give us all permission to indulge in one of our favorite hobbies: research and the process of learning and analyzing JUST BECAUSE IT IS FUN.
Can we admit that for a moment?
It is really fun to get on a kick of exploration and discovery. We try to justify it to ourselves: I really NEED to take that course because it will help my business, or my clients, or my marriage. Am I right?
But the sneaky truth we don’t tell anyone is- the search and the journey of learning is FUN.
The process is the thing. That is why we DO therapy. Personal and self-development is FUN.
I LOVE what I do every day because I LOVE this process and the science of personal growth. I have thrown myself into the study of every personality system and the best personal growth tools I can find.
(I also LOVE a good system or framework)
So here is my goal: I use most of this information in my sessions with my clients every day but the truth is, there is always so much more rattling around in this brain than I can ever work into our 60 Minute sessions together and for overthinkers, like myself, I want to get this knowledge out in a fun and accessible format.
If this sounds like something you would enjoy reading about, please subscribe to this blog or submit a contact form on our website to receive these as emails. I’ll make sure you get on my Rumination Nation mailing list to receive more emails like this one with a thought to contemplate on for the day, my own contemplations and/or resources to go deeper in study.
And if you want to go even further and aren’t already one of my weekly members, ( consider joining our monthly membership for weekly coaching sessions where we can explore and do the deep and fun work of personal discovery, growth and therapeutic journeying together. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email contemplating: How to use feminine (or introverted) energy to draw in clients and make waves.
Jennifer Ferrante, CHt.
Ferrante Family Wellness