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Rumination Nation: Simplicity and Gratefulness

It's Monday. After a weekend of not normal schedule, I am ready to jump back into some routine and simplicity.

We work to make our office environment simple, beautiful and cozy. When I step into our workplace, I swap my shoes out for slippers in the lobby (you can too), light our incense and start turning on the soft lamp lighting in each of the rooms. John starts the kettle heating and warms our hot towels and we fall into a quiet and calm rhythm that I believe people can feel when they visit our office.

I'm thinking about this with gratefulness this morning as I sit here at my computer and sip my coffee while my pumpkin candle flickers in the background. Every detail and layer I have in this space was chosen and purposeful. A cluttered space doesn't allow my brain to relax into work.

Today, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite items in my environment that I have intentionally incorporated and then also what things I have intentionally chosen to do without for simplicity. A prepared environment is a central element in Montessori and Waldorf Schooling for school or home but I have carried this principle over into my work place as well.

Sensory Comforts:

Warm lighting

Spiced scents

A basket of blankets and throws (both light and weighted)

Pillows of all sorts for building nests or propping (often used with children clients)

Thick, soft rug

My computer, desk and recording space

Two reclining, deep seated leather chairs for the client and myself complete with writing table and cup holders

Tea ware

Reiki table, made up with flannel linens and a quilt

Resource Library

Eye Fascination Hypnotic Tools: Water light feature, hour glass, metronome

I keep wall art minimal and within a monotone palate of brown, tan, maroon and pinks to contribute to a "womb space" feeling.

There are so many tools and graphics that could enhance the work that I do, but I choose not to include them in my space preferring natural materials, multi use items and less visual clutter.

The one area that I am not a minimalist in would be books. Books cover most of my surfaces at home and while I try to limit my resource library at work, we have quite the collection here as well.

Because I prefer to spend my time in internal pursuits or tasks, a simple and minimal environment helps me to streamline how much energy I have to devote to the maintenance of physical items and tasks.

This is one of the ways that John and I balance each other well, as discussed in this week's episode of "The Yogi and the Hypnotist" now streaming on the main podcast platforms. John enjoys and gravitates to physical tasks while I prioritize mental and emotional tasks.

At home and at work, John engages in most of the maintenance and I work to keep things simple, warm, and inviting while doing most of the research work, brainstorming and original creating or idea work. Then he brings these to life and refines them in a way that makes our partnership feel very dreamy and strong.

This morning, during my morning minutes and gratefulness practice, I wanted to bring a piece of that gratefulness to this blog/email as I am extremely blessed to have such a beautiful life and partner and I feel that fully as I get to sit in this space and type to you from a room that feels warm, and safe and blessed with the wonderful clients that I engage with in it.

Wishing you a day of thankfulness.

Warmly, Jennifer Ferrante, CHt.

Ferrante Family Wellness

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